Author = Mac%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BDdo,%20Emanuel%20N.
Analysis of Particulate Systems with Numerical Inverse Laplace Transform

Volume 9, Issue 4, October 2023, Pages 926-934


Clauderino da Silva Batista; Helder Kiyoshi Miyagawa; Emanuel Negrão Macêdo; João Nazareno Nonato Quaresma; Helcio Rangel Barreto Orlande

Parameter Estimation in Population Balance through Bayesian ‎Technique Markov Chain Monte Carlo

Volume 7, Issue 2, April 2021, Pages 890-901


Carlos H.R. Moura; Bruno M. Viegas; Maria R.M. Tavares; Emanuel N. Macêdo; Diego C. Estumano; João N.N. Quaresma

Hybrid Solution for the Analysis of MHD Micropolar Fluid Flow in a Vertical Porous Parallel-Plates Duct

Volume 6, Special Issue, December 2020, Pages 1107-1124


Helder K. Miyagawa; Ingrid V. Curcino; Fabio A. Pontes; Emanuel N. Macêdo; Péricles C. Pontes; João N.N. Quaresma