Dynamical Behavior of a Rigid Body with One Fixed Point (Gyroscope). Basic Concepts and Results. Open Problems: a Review

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Institute of Mechanics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Acad. G. BonchevStr., Bl. 4, Bulgaria

2 University of Transport, G. Milev Str., 158, 1574 Sofia, Bulgaria


The study of the dynamic behavior of a rigid body with one fixed point (gyroscope) has a long history. A number of famous mathematicians and mechanical engineers have devoted enormous time and effort to clarify the role of dynamic effects on its movement (behavior) – stable, periodic, quasi-periodic or chaotic. The main objectives of this review are: 1) to outline the characteristic features of the theory of dynamical systems and 2) to reveal the specific properties of the motion of a rigid body with one fixed point (gyroscope).This article consists of six sections. The first section addresses the main concepts of the theory of dynamical systems. Section two presents the main theoretical results (obtained so far) concerning the dynamic behavior of a solid with one fixed point (gyroscope). Section three examines the problem of gyroscopic stabilization. Section four deals with the non-linear (chaotic) dynamics of the gyroscope. Section five is a brief analysis of the gyroscope applications in engineering. The final section provides conclusions and generalizations on why the theory of dynamical systems should be used in the study of the movement of gyroscopic systems.


Main Subjects

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