On Integrability up to the Boundary of the Weak Solutions to a ‎Class of non-Newtonian Compressible Fluids with Vacuum

Document Type : Research Paper


1 School of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, CNS, Northwest University, Xi’an, 710127, P. R. China

2 School of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, Northwest University, Xi’an, 710127, P. R. China


In this paper, we study the integrability up to the boundary of the weak solutions of non-Newtonian compressible fluid with a nonlinear constitutive equation in ℝ3 bounded domain. Galerkin approximation will be used for existence of weak solutions and by applying the bounded linear operator B, introduced by Bogovskii, we prove the square integrability of the density up to the boundary.


Main Subjects

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