The Effect of Magneto-hydrodynamics on Curved Circular Plate and Porous-rough Flat Plate with Non-Newtonian Fluid

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Mathematics, Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science, Chennai, India

2 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Sharnbasva University, Kalaburagi, India

3 Department of Mathematics, School of Applied Sciences, REVA University, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

4 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Islamic University of Madinah, Medina, Saudi Arabia

5 Near East University, Operational Research Center in Healthcare, TRNC Mersin 10, Nicosia, 99138, Turkey

6 Center for Applied Mathematics and Bioinformatics, Gulf University for Science and Technology, Kuwait

7 Department of Computer Science and Mathematics, Lebanese American University, Beirut, Lebanon

8 Department of Mathematics, Vishwakarma University, Pune-411048, India


This study explores the effect of theoretical MHD on curved circular and flat plates using non-Newtonian lubricant. Lower flat plate is porous and rough. The Stokes theory has been used to incorporate the couple stress effects. Furthermore, Darcy law is taken into account for porous medium. Average pressure, load support and squeeze film time are determined from Christensen theory. The numerical results for bearing characteristics such as pressure, load carrying capacity and squeeze film time are plotted graphically to study the influence of curved circular and flat plate. This investigation shows that the squeeze film characteristics are higher in azimuthal roughness patterns and lower in radial patterns due to roughness parameter. In addition, MHD and couple stress boost the pressure, load support and squeezing time compared to Newtonian and non-magnetic cases. The effect of permeability of the porous layer is to decrease the load carrying capacity as it gives an easy path for the lubricant to pass through.


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